Monday, August 8, 2011

Macro Monday - Red Lantana

Despite all my grumbling about the heat this summer my Lantana has been blooming non-stop.   Give Lantana a little drink of water every day and it never quits.  I have pots of red and yellow Lantana all around my deck. 

See more Macro Monday


  1. This flower love the sun and I think the butterfly love this flower too ^_^

    Macro Monday

  2. I just LOVE the color here!

  3. Lovely flowers, and a great shot. I think I should have tried them since my gardens have done poorly with the heat of this summer.


  4. I think I would have enjoyed a bit of BOTH your heat and your lantana :-)

  5. Hello, Bill.

    C'est mieux de regarder de belles fleurs plutôt que la Bourse qui dégringole :-((((((((
    Mes économies au tapis...

    Nous partons vadrouiller une petite semaine pour nous remettre des travaux.
    Bisous et caresses à Smockey.

  6. Oh, dear...I had forgotten about the beauty of lantanas until I saw your post today. Your capture is wonderful with its vibrant color. Nice work.


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