Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Help Yourself to a Bicycle

Would you like to ride on Rivertrail but don't have a bicycle?  No problem, just help yourself.  There is no charge to borrow one,  just swipe a credit card and the rack will release one for you.  The catch is that if it is not returned in 24 hours you get charged $100.  Not a bad deal if you want to pay $100 for a pink sidewalk bike, although I'm not sure you would get to keep it.  It just keeps people honest.

See More Wordless Wednesday


  1. It seems to be pretty popular even though the bikes are only sporadically maintained.

  2. Nice concept. And even solar-powered :-)

  3. that is a cool idea.maybe they figure some teenage boy would not think it worth swiping a pink bike to keep.

  4. Where are the mens bikes? I couldn't possibly be seen riding a pink one!!!

  5. Really nice concept! Wow! i wish something like this will be around here! In London you have to pay for it...

  6. What a great shot!!

    Ummm.. I'll take a pink one please... no, wait, maybe a pink one.... and then I will try a pink one - LOL Love this!

  7. What a great idea. I hope the program works out.

    I'm actually perfectly content to ride a pink bike as a man :)


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