Thursday, March 12, 2009

Moon at Sunset

The good news is that it did not freeze last night and the spring flowers are unharmed.  The bad news is that I am down in the back and did not get out of the house today so I took no pictures to share with you.  

However, I do have this nice photograph that Saint Susan took when we stayed in a cabin on Lake Greenleaf over last New Year.  She stepped out of the cabin just after sunset and took a picture of the rising full moon.  I think it is a very nice photograph and I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Bonjour.

    Agrandie, la photo est magnifique et l'on peut croire que la pleine lune, émergeant peu à peu, se repose sur son nuage rose...
    L'appareil de Suzanne a bien rendu les tons de la forêt à ce moment précis de la soirée - "entre chien et loup" comme on dit chez nous.
    Bonne journée.

  2. Who taught whom how to take good photographs in your household?
    Get well soon Bill.


  3. Hello,
    this phot is very beautifull Susan is a very good photographas her husband !!
    I have a question for Anne :
    Can you now understand what i'm writing on my blog, I have a brand new google translate a present from Bill !!
    Have a nice day

  4. Susan sera heureux de savoir que ses photographies sont appréciés. Ce blog a fait son plus conscients de ce qui fait une bonne idée et elle a commencé à prendre de meilleures photos. Il est dans l'œil. Merci!

    Susan will be pleased to know that her photographs are appreciated. This blog has made her more aware of what makes a good picture and she has started taking better photos. It is all in the eye. Thanks!

  5. Sorry to hear about your back - get well soon!

    Wonderful full moon picture - thanks for sharing.

  6. I like the gradient.


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