Friday, March 13, 2009

Partly Cloudy

The sun comes out, then goes behind a cloud.  Yesterday it snowed a little, this weekend is supposed to be warm.   The weatherman just can't make up his mind.


  1. That's weathermen for you - I think weatherwomen are more accurate - but that's only my humble opinion!!!


  2. Micki: I went into your blog site and am not sure where I should write my pithy comments! There is a small box marked "displaying" and I've written in there but not sure anything has happened.

    Can you sort me out Bill? You're going to be everyone's helper to use these sites - that will teach you to be so clever!!


  3. Anne - I think Micki's blog does not allow you to post anonymously. Register yourself with blogger as something - choose a name for posting.


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