Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Flowers

Bradford Pears. These are great trees in many ways and have been planted by the thousands in lawns and down center medians of city streets. They were thought to be the perfect city tree; fast growing, beautiful in the spring and turn a nice red-orange in the fall. Unfortunately they have not altogether lived up to their promise as they tend to be brittle and are often damaged by ice and wind storms. Nevertheless, they are a handsome tree and form a spectacular show in the spring.

Redbud. This tree is native to this region and can be seen dotting the hills where ever they are allowed to seed. The leaves are glossy green and heart shaped. They do not grow large but are very hardy and thrive in our hot dry summers. There are a few improved varieties but the native tree is the best.

Forsythia. Originally from Asia, this bright yellow shrub is enjoyed the world over.

Japonica, or Flowering Quince. This is a relative of the apple and very hardy. Trim this with care as it protects itself with thorns.

Blue Pansies and white Hyacinth. Hyacinth come in many colors and many are quite fragrant.

The first bedding plants are blooming. Pale yellow Daffodils and blue Hyacinth. The names Daffodil, Narcissus, and Jonquil are often used for the same flower. I think that Jonquil is what Americans call a yellow daffodil. I am not an expert. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

It was cool but sunny today so I took a little detour home to drive through a nice part of midtown Tulsa and look for spring blooms. At 33rd Avenue and S. Delaware is a pretty addition surrounding a small lake and called Charlane Estates.

Everything is so beautiful right now. The forecast is for freezing and snow tonight. I hope we are lucky and miss it.


  1. You are so far ahead of us. Some of the shrubs are familiar but the trees are not. I love spring though, for us, that means April where the trees are concerned.


  2. After those beautiful floral pictures, hope you'll let us know if they survive the anticipated weather forecast for Tulsa.
    Leeds, England has had its warmest day of the year thus far 9 degrees C. almost balmy!!!!!


  3. Wonderful spring sceneries! It will still take some month in Oslo, Norway, before our Forsythia will bloom like yours.


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