Cockle Bay, pedal boat
A family is enjoying riding this big yellow duck pedal boat on Cockle Bay
at Darling Harbour.
Linked to: Weekend Reflections, All Seasons, Happy Now, Wate...
5 hours ago
... A City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa Oklahoma ...
Recumbent posture - my favourite position and one I adopt EVERY afternoon post-lunch.
Post-stroke, my Consultant advised me to "listen to your body" and my body happens to say "have a snooze every afternoon"! What a smart body I have :-)
We also have a very similar outline. I don't know about you but since giving up the alcohol and the cigarettes I very definitely have a sweet palate which I absolutely MUST indulge.
I obviously have a very addictive nature - attested to by my Dentist who has just informed me I have decay under a crown so I shall be without yet another tooth in a couple of weeks' time. Sadly, I find the tooth fairy tends not to visit nowadays.
Tout d'abord "bon anniversaire" à Sue même si c'est un peu en avance de quelques jours - nous serons à Toulouse - et bon anniversaire de mariage à tous les deux -encore un mois !)
c'est un très beau cadeau et notre génération aime se débrouiller avec un ordinateur ! Nous ne sommes pas des vieux "croûtons" lol !
Le mien est un Acer Aspire 7220.
Bizzz à tous les deux et caresses à l'assistant informaticien...
Susan has a renewed interest in computers now that she has her own. It has aroused her curiosity.
Susan a un regain d'intérêt pour les ordinateurs maintenant qu'elle a elle-même. Il a suscité sa curiosité.
Anne - Chocolate is a good trade for booze. I have never been arrested for having a doughnut in the car.
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