Santa Fe was great and we wish we had more time to enjoy it, but we need to start back home. We will go back a different way than we came. There is some very interesting country to be seen by going out of New Mexico through the northeast and shooting down the long narrow Oklahoma panhandle.
As we leave Santa Fe we are struck by how much of the city is adobe. The thick walls of a real adobe house are red clay baked hard in the hot sun. Most of the modern houses are cement but the look is the same. The thick walls insulate from the heat.

We go out US 25 towards Springer to connect with US 412 for the drive east through Oklahoma.

How would you like to have this view out your back door?

As we approach the northeastern corner of New Mexico we get close to the southeastern corner of Colorado. Off in the distance we can see the peaks of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Oklahoma borders Colorado on the far northeasern end of the panhandle but we will not pass through there.

We paused in the little town of Springer, NM to take a picture of this little church. It is St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

The last town in New Mexico before we entered Oklahoma is Clayton, NM.

We intended to drive straight to Boise City, Oklahoma but noticed on our road atlas that the hughest point in Oklahoma is Black Mesa at 4,973 feet, and that Black Mesa State Park was only a 20 mile side trip. Oh well, what is another few miles. We may never pass this way again. The view from the mesa was great.

We drove to the park headquarters cabin over this little low water crossing.

We didn't have time to hike to the high point but enjoyed seeing the camping area. These are individual camp sites for tents or RVs.

This is the area where the group camp cabins were located. There were maybe 10 little cabins and a larger mess hall kitchen facilities. This would be a great place to bring a youth group.

Sue walked Smokey down to a watering hole so he could add a little moisture to the water table.
If you would like more information about the park link to HERE.

After our detour of Black Mesa we went on to Boise City which is the county seat of Cimarron County. This is the county courthouse which sits on an old fashioned town square.

I don't know if the caboose is the location of the Boise City Chamber of Commerce or they just donated it for a display. We did not stop to ask.

The next 61 miles from Boise City to Guymon, Oklahoma looked just like this - flat as a pancake and straight as an arrow. We are here for the night in Guymon. We have been staying at Comfort Inns where we could. They are our favorite dog-friendly motel. Tomorrow is Tulsa.
Oh! When Sue and I went out for dinner this evening we encountered several young boys and girls who were decked out in wonderful costumes. That's right, it Halloween! I almost forgot. Allow me to extend the greeting for the day. BOO! There now, that's better.