Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black & White Weekend - Feed the Birds

Snow fell through the night and the temperature dropped sharply. The birds which frequent our feeders have begun to swarm around with a certain desperation.  The high today (Friday) will be 23 degrees F with a forecasted low Friday night of 4 degrees F and more snow.  It is difficult to keep water in the bird bath because it freezes so quickly.  I will try to rig a heat tape to keep it liquid for longer.

The contrast of objects against the white snow makes the photo nearly black and white so the conversion from color is not much of a stretch.

More Black and White Weekend


  1. A great B&W post!
    Wintertime a your place now!

  2. Looks pretty cold there! It's been unseasonably warm here this week but that's going to change this weekend.

  3. That's a lovely view Bill and how lucky you are to get so many birds feeding. I have three bird feeders outside my French windows but the most birds I've had are five at one time BUT I have had three squirrels stealing the birds' food.

  4. Birds and snow - a nice winter theme. Today it is White Christmas outside here too.

  5. My bird feeders have had waiting lines in the surrounding trees. The snow has covered their food sources and the cold has created the need for food. I don't have a way to keep my bird baths liquid, but there is a creek not far away that they can use. Looks to be cold all next week. Stay warm.

  6. Wow!
    The snow cover looks Maineish. You just reminded me. Feed the feeders!

  7. It must be horrible for outdoor creatures in your bitterly cold winters Bill, you do a great job with the seed and 'warmed' water.

  8. L love watching the birds at the feeder in the winter

  9. Lovely photos.Snow and birds!

  10. Très belle photo !
    ici nous sommes tout juste en dessous de zéro et un beau grand soleil a fait fondre la gelée de la nuit.
    Cependant, nous avons déjà garni les mangeoires aux oiseaux et les mésanges sont revenues. Pour l'eau, une source coule à 10 mètre de la maison et ne gèle pas l'hiver !!
    Caresses à Smokey.

  11. Lovely photo whether in colour or black and white. The birds must be very grateful for the food in such very cold weather.


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