Friday, June 7, 2013

Skywatch Friday - Blue Dome District

There was a stormy sky over Tulsa's Blue Dome District on Thursday.  Named for the old service station seen at the lower center, this area is home to the new baseball park and a raft of restaurants and night spots.  Downtown Tulsa is becoming a rockin' place.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. No matter how long I have been gone, Tulsa will always be my home. It is great to see the revitalization of this area of downtown.

  2. I sure miss the Blue Dome Diner though.

    Great shot.

  3. I always enjoy seeing Tulsa street scenes!
    Have a blessed week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Nous avons vu à la télé les dégâts des tornades qui ont sévi sur l'Oklahoma... alors un ciel orageux est assez anodin, n'est-ce pas ?
    Caresses à Smokey.


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