Saturday, June 8, 2013

Black & White Reflections - Normandy American Cemetery

On a foggy morning in June of 2000 I visited the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer where the remains of 9,387 American military dead are buried. It was a very humbling experience.

More Weekend Reflections 
More Black and White Weekend


  1. An excellent photo for Weekend Reflections and The Weekend in Black and White!

    I imagine it would be a very humbling experience, but an experience that I hope to have someday.

  2. Wonderful atmosphere- the fogginess and the b&w, plus the cemetery itself make for memorable images.

  3. Very nice composition : you captured the melancholia of the place with great art.

  4. The foggy atmosphere adds a subdued, quiet feel to the lovely view in the first photo!

  5. A great B&W composition.
    The fog adds a special atmosphere to the photo!

  6. Les Français savent ce qu'ils doivent aux Américains : la LIBERTE.

  7. The cemetery shot is haunting.

  8. The mist really makes these sing. You've captured the very essence of the place.

  9. Your photos are wonderful and certainly capture the heart. Just viewing them creates a sense of awe and respect mixed with a sorrow for what these brave souls must have gone through, I can only imagine how it would feel to stand in the fog and view it for myself.

  10. Black & White works so well with a composition such as this. The fog really adds a special element to it as well. A wonderful image!

  11. This is where black and white comes into its own. Very evocative.

  12. Lovely serene photo.. So sad yet calm.


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