Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Doors - Rose Covered Cottage

Here, with the roses in bloom, is my own front door.

See more Wordless Wednesday


  1. Beautiful! What a nice scene to greet you coming and going.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a green thumb! Nice door too.
    [dont know why it double posted, then deleted them both when I tried to simply get rid of the double post. sorry for taking the extra space]

  5. Your house presents a very attractive presence from the street.

  6. very nice shot.. :)

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

  7. Oh Bill, I was going to go into raptures about this capture and then read on to see it belonged to the Millers. I think this is probably my most favourite thus far of your "Wednesday Doors". Lucky people having you for a neighbour with a welcoming front door like that.


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