Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday Challenge - Weather

We have a trusty rain frog who lives on our desk and measures our rainfall.  We are thankful that all we have gotten is rain.  If we had the tornadoes that swept through Moore our little rain frog might be in Kansas or Missouri.  Our trusty little rain frog has been with us for a long time so if you think you have seen him before please excuse me.  A faithful servant like our rain frog cannot be recognized too often.

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. What a fine friend, and a perfect image for the weather theme!

    Violet at promptings 2.

  2. I love your rain frog but if he lived where I live, I'm afraid he would have been drowned by now.

  3. It's good to see a rain frog now and then! So glad you didn't have tornadoes; hope those who did are able to get back to normal soon.

  4. I am glad you - and your rain frog - sustained no damage in the horrible storm in Oklahoma. I'm a Georgia girl by birth and we used to get tornados and severe weather, especially in the summers. During my 35 years in the San Francisco area, that hasn't been a worry though the ground shakes from time to time.

    My Thursday Challenge shot is at:


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