Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ruby Tuesday - Rose Garden in Pots

Some of these roses are red and all of them are beautiful.  I love roses but am not able to dig and plant like I used to.  My compromise has been to plant my roses in 24 inch pots and arrange them around the perimeter of my back deck.  There are advantages and disadvantages with this arrangement.  The advantage is that I can manage it all from a wheelchair.  Another advantage is that since they all are on wheeled coasters I can move them around to suit myself.  Try that with a rose garden set in the ground.  The disadvantages?  Not many actually.  It works for me and that's what counts.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. Where there's a will there's a way:-) Clever you but I wouldn't like to do your watering duties with all those pots!

  2. My wife is doing more and more of her gardening in pots. Its just lots easier to manage.

    You have a very inviting patio.

  3. Now that's a grand solution!

  4. So glad you've found a way to continue gardening. They certainly are beautiful!

  5. I'm sure the roses don't care where they grow, as long as you care for them!

    Blazing Red Sky


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