Monday, May 27, 2013

Macro Monday - Betty Boop

My roses are really nice right now.  Here is a Betty Boop.  As it opens it is red on the edges and white in the center.  It smells nice too.

more Macro Monday or I Love Macros


  1. Oh, what a beauty! Re; Macro Monday, I am thinking about taking it over, but I am not sure what the time commitment is.

  2. Oh what a lovely Rose! Thank you so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

  3. Betty Boop, there's a name I recognize and the rose named after her is pretty.

  4. Lovely image of a lovely rose. I barely remember the name from my childhood. Nice work.

  5. You have the most beautiful roses - I don't know whether we have this variety in the UK, but it's gorgeous.

  6. this is beautiful. look fresh, the color is stunning and it was photograph skillfully

  7. Que voici une magnifique rose !Toute en beauté et délicatesse...


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