Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tulsa's Finest

As many of you know, I walk with difficulty and use a power wheelchair to get around.  Today (Wednesday) after visiting the Health Zone, I felt very tired and light headed on the way home.  Rather than lower the chair and ride it inside, I stumbled up the walk with my cane.  I began to feel faint and realized that I was going down.  I tried to make it to a chair on the porch but fell into it heavily and the chair and I both slid off into the shrubbery.   I ended up on my back under a bush with my legs still on the porch.  Nothing was injured other than my pride, but I knew I was going to need assistance getting back on my feet.  Reluctantly I called 911 from my cell phone as asked for help.  Within a few minutes a fire truck pulled up with three sturdy looking guys who gently hoisted me back up on the porch, sat me down, and checked me over.  Although I insisted I was fine, an ambulance pulled up and offered to take me to the ER.  I talked them out of that and convinced  them to just help me inside to stretch out on the bed.

Before they left I persuaded them to pause for a group picture.  This whole episode could have been very embarrassing but the courtesy and professionalism of these young people made me feel very grateful.  I suppose they were just doing their job but their concern was very genuine, and to me was very personal.  There is not much else I can do but say thank you, and God bless you.  You guys are OK.


  1. Bill, please, next time don't get out of the bloody car! Look after yourself.

  2. So glad you're OK. I too had a visit from the ambulance during the night the other evening but unbeknownst to me!! I have a medic alert which went off and the powers that be, not being able to contact me, sent out an ambulance and crew to my aid! The house manager where I live let them into my apt. and there was I, deep in the arms of Morpheus, totally unaware of the kerfuffle my medi-alarm going off had caused. I'm told the ambulance man checked my breathing and decided it would probably kill me if he woke me and I found a stranger in my bedroom!! I learned about the above the following morning but it's good to know the speedy response one gets from these tiny life savers. I was just sorry that, through no fault of mine, they had had a wasted call-out. All's well than ends well with the pair of us - the joys of aging Bill:-)

  3. That is kind of scary Bill.

    Our Firemen, EMT's, and Police and are very professional.

    Only you could talk them into a group picture.

    I'm glad you are okay. I'm glad you are working out at the Health Zone. I'm there most mornings about 6.

  4. We have been in similar situations and our EMT's are awesome. Glad you are OK.

  5. Glad you are okay. I love EMTs!(I am a visiting nurse and occasionally have to call 911 when I get to a patient's home.) They are always prompt, courteous, and very professiona.


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