Friday, October 19, 2012

Skywatch Friday - The Pedestrian Bridge

The pedestrian bridge across the Arkansas River was originally the Frisco railroad trestle.  Now it separates river and sky with the oil refinery in the background.  It reminds us that Tulsa was originally an oil town back in the roaring 1920s and still has a lot of oil related business.

More SkyWatch Friday 


  1. Such a beautiful day!

    My Skywatch
    Have a great weekend!

  2. That is some sky!

  3. I love how you captured the sky seeming to go on forever. I love the deep blues.

    Kind of funny, the oil companies abandoned Oklahoma and now Oklahoma oil companies are right in the thick of things on a nationwide scale. Little old Continental Oil in Oklahoma City is now producing 100,000 bbl of oil and day, Chesapeake, Sandridge, Devon, and Samson are the leading oil companies in the nation now. Tulsa is a center of engineering and manufacturing for the industry.

  4. Those clouds seeem to go on forever.

  5. Beautiful white clouds and blue sky.

    Regards from Barcelona.

  6. Bill, I get such pleasure from viewing your pictures. They are all so interesting and such fine captures. The clouds in this one along with the blue sky really make the picture pop out at the viewer. Nice. genie

  7. Cette passerelle est magnifique et je pense que vous allez, parfois, y promener Smokey, non ? Bizzzzz.

  8. I like the way you composed this shot. And I also like pedestrian bridges.


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