Monday, January 23, 2012

Macro Monday - Japanese Beetle

Enough dreary winter weather, let's recall bright summer flowers and the critters that feed on them.  While not exactly our friend, at least they are colorful.

more Macro Monday


  1. Those beetles are such a nuisance. They love to eat my rose of sharon blooms in the summer.
    But, I have to agree with you. I do love that shiny green armor. :)
    Nice capture of bug and bloom!

  2. Bonjour

    Cette couleur jaune réchauffe l'hiver, clément dans mon coin de France.

  3. Hope they don't show up in my garden this year...such a destructive bug! Good shot!

  4. I'd never heard (or seen) a Japanese Beetle so I looked them up on Google. It says, plant garlic, chrysanthemums, marigolds etc. round the plants you want to protect. JBs sound a bit like the Dracula of the beetle world to me.

  5. Gorgeous macro of this pesky garden critter. I think our neighborhood has largely eradicated them because I rarely see them any more.

  6. @elleona
    Nous allons avoir un hiver beaucoup plus froid que l'an dernier. J'espère que nous sommes épargnés Blizzard l'année dernière. Je m'ennuie de vos jolies photographies. Smokey envoie ses baisers mouillés.

  7. Wonderful colors and details, but they are such a pest!

  8. Oh I do like the colors of this beetle. Your photo is just wonderful.


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