Saturday, January 21, 2012

Black & White Weekend - Black Angus Cows

Black Angus are prized as beef cattle.


  1. They are indeed and produce the most delicious steaks :-)

    Unusual picture which I like v. much.

  2. @ Leedslass, yes and the bulls are pretty manageable. The cows, on the other hand...

    I like this photo.

  3. Ok, that settles it. I'm going to a steakhouse tonight!

  4. Great shot Bill. I know the subject is the cows but the white building is like an exclamation point.

  5. Confession time: I hadn't even noticed the white building (but nor am I a photographer) my mind was on my stomach........

  6. Bill you have covered just about all shades of black and white in this shot. Those Angus (we call them Aberdeen Angus here in Australia) look to be in fine nick.

  7. Quel calme se dégage de cette photo !
    En effet, de paître cette herbe bien grasse doit donner de bons steaks, lol !
    Kisses, Bill.

  8. The tastiest beef this side of Aberdeen.


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