Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Japonica, Flowering Quince

A relative of the apple, the quince is admired for its bright red spring flowers and sharp thorns.  The thorns make this a good choice for a barrier hedge.  It does set some fruit which are very sour and can be used to make a fine jelly.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. if I have this flower as a fence around our house I feel like I am the queen ^_^ This flower is gorgeous!!
    Ruby Tuesday

  2. Spring is almost here and this is a very Ruby Tuesday photo you have taken. Well done.

  3. It is one of the most beautiful flower i have ever seen. The bright red color is simply very mesmerizing.

  4. The snow is melting little by little... maybe we will see flowers soon, who knows!


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