Monday, March 14, 2011

Macro Monday - Pansies

Pansies are a winter hardy flower in more  temperate zones and will even tolerate snow cover for short periods.  They are the result of cross breeding and hybridization of common violets.  In Oklahoma they are often planted in the fall and will winter over to bloom vigorously in the early spring. Pansies come in a wide cariety of colors and sizes.  These are a few of the pansies available at Southwood Nursery in Tulsa

They are the subject of a superstition held by American pioneers. It was thought by many that “a handful of violets taken into the farmhouse in the spring ensured prosperity, and to neglect this ceremony brought harm to baby chicks and ducklings.

See more Macro Monday


  1. Great shot. I never knew pansies would be winter hardy to some places. They don't survive through an Iowa winter.


  2. Cool shots! Pansies have such faces! They are great survivors too.

  3. Gorgeous colour combination!

  4. They are such a pretty little flower and so hardy!!! Great shot!

  5. I treat myself every autumn to two hanging baskets of winter-flowering pansies and find they always last for at least six months. I love them - nicer than the summer baskets to my way of thinking.

  6. This is a great macro shot. Beautiful. Well done!


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