Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Grand Child Niemh

Last week Susan flew up to Chicago to spend the week with her older son Mark and his family. Above you can see daughters Calista(2), Fiona(7), and Moira(4)

Mark and wife Elena recently had a new baby, their fourth girl, Niemh (pronounced Neeve). Susan had to go check on the new grand baby. She is a darling and Sue hated to leave her behind at the end of the week.

Big Sister Fiona is a good helper for Dad Mark and Mom Elena.


  1. Absolutely beautiful group of grandkids. Aren't they just the most fun of all?

  2. Eleven minutes - I couldn't get used to not turning the pieces!!!

    Is there an Irish connection with the lovely names of the little ones?


  3. Beautiful! Good Irish names too.


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