Friday, January 1, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Rain on Downtown Tulsa

Happy New Year from Tulsa

Downtown Tulsa from North Cincinnati.


  1. Cool shot of the skyline. Happy New Years to you and yours.

  2. That is the sort of sky I awoke to today, Bill. Should be banned - grey skies. I guess unless you're a farmer!

    Cheers my friend. I am glad I cottoned on to you during 2009.

  3. Hi,
    Nice shot of the sky and soft gray clouds! I'd like to ask a favor...
    I have a friend, Charles, who has just started a blog and I would appreciate it if you could find time to visit and leave a comment. I'm afraid he he getting discouraged. He has lots of interesting stories to tell. He has been a Marine, a jet pilot a helicopter pilot and highway patrolman and other interesting jobs. He likes music and photography and is a Christian.
    Visit him at:
    Wings Like Eagles,

  4. I've awoken to a bright sky with a big orange ball - I think it may well be the sun trying to rise!!
    What a lovely way to start 2010.
    A happy New Year to you and your readers.


  5. Happy New Year, I wish you health and joy, and I'm looking forward to share more pictures too.

  6. Nice shot! It's good to see your Tulsa blog! I didn't make it back there for any of the holidays with our family, but I'm sure glad I missed that blizzard. We are better equipped for blizzards where we live now.

  7. Great shot. It perfectly captures our recent skies.


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