Saturday, June 27, 2009

News, News

Today is an exciting day for us. It is my son David's wedding day. My son David is to marry a young woman he has known since high school. Renee has two daughters 9 and 12, and is very sweet, very pretty, and a excellent cook. David has waited until he is 40 to marry, and Renee is definitely worth the wait. I predict a happy union. Photographs will follow.

News item number 2 is that I have started a new blog called "Historic Tulsa". Tulsa is an interesting city with an interesting history. While I have made a few posts about Tulsa history I have decided there is more than enough really interesting stuff to warrant its own blog. I started it by pulling over the historical items from this blog and then added a few new items. Take a look and please leave a comment. It would be great if you were to sign up as a "follower".

I intend to continue posting to this blog just as before except the historical items will probably go to the new blog.

1 comment:

  1. Bienvenue au nouveau blog !

    Pour le reste, on attend les photos du mariage, lol !


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