Friday, June 26, 2009

New Oklahoma Auto Tag

Beginning January 2, 2009 the new Oklahoma automobile license tags will have a new design. The new plate features the Sacred Rain Arrow sculpture by Oklahoma artist Allan Houser (1914-1994).

The original of this statue stands at the entrance of the Gilcrease Art Museum.

Gilcrease Museum of the Americas has an outstanding collection of art by and about Native Americans. I need to do a post about this wonderful museum. In the meantime, you can read about it HERE.


  1. Very nice contribution to the natives.

    Looking forward to your native post as I like to see it through your eyes.

  2. Me too, you bring your town to life.


  3. The new design is pretty cool! I like North American plates, with the motto and the cool symbols.

    European plates are just random letters and numbers...


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