Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baseball Moves Downtown

Tulsa has a fine AA Baseball Club which plays in a stadium on the Tulsa Fair Grounds. As part of an overall plan to revitalize the downtown area, a new state of the art stadium is being built in the Greenwood area just west of Greenwood Avenue on Archer Street.

Here is a panorama of the construction so far as seen from the south side of Archer.

Here is the same construction area seen from the north looking south

By coincidence the Tulsa World had a front page article on the new stadium just this morning. See the article HERE, and a very interesting review of progress on the new baseball stadium HERE.  UPDATE:  On Tuesday June 2 another article came out in the Tulsa World, HERE. 

The Greenwood area will be the center of a new Downtown Tulsa.

1 comment:

  1. Baseball is a very American tradition that I can't fully understand. I got into hockey (being in Canada, I pretty much had to!) but baseball is a mystery.

    Feng likes to watch it... but when I listen to it (cause I'm usually typing on my computer besides the TV) it's just another world, with its rules, its language and its inside jokes.

    Very nice panoramic pictures BTW!


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