Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tulsa Skyline From Reservoir Hill

After church today Susan and I loaded Smokey in the car and went for a Sunday drive. We drove up to the top of Reservoir Hill for a nice view of the Tulsa skyline from about a mile north of downtown. Not a really good picture because I was shooting into the light, but a nice view anyway. At least Smokey liked it.


  1. This is an interesting view with the skyscrapers and what looks like fields in the foreground. It's unusual for downtown not to be completely surrounded by buildings. Is is really like that or am I being tricked by the photo?

    How many people live in Tulsa?

  2. The foreground is a mixture of residential housing and commercial property. A lot of it is obscured by trees which look kind of scruffy in the winter.

    Tulsa proper is about 385,000 and the greater area is just under a million. Tulsa is the second largest city in Oklahoma. Wikipedia has a nice article on Tulsa.


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