Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Choir of Saint Thomas Church

Tuesday evening Susan and I went out to a nice dinner then to a performance by the Choir of Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York City, New York. It is a combined choir of men and boys. The performance was held at Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Tulsa. the voices and harmony were amazing. they sold recordings after the performance and we bought several. I love this kind of music and they were flawless.The boys are part of a music school and live at the church in New York City. It must be an exciting experience for them. They did a selection of music from 15th century polyphony to 20th century choral music.and all sing like angels.

During the performance they stood very straight and looked very serious. Clearly they were focused on doing everything perfectly. But when they stepped into the choir seats to listen while their organist played a complicated piece on the pipe organ they were looking up at the pipes like ordinary (but well-behaved) boys. After the concert they changed their clothes and came to the reception for punch and cookies. Then they talked and laughed with each other like any other group of 8 to 14 year old boys. I was really impressed by their talent, skill and discipline. Their web site is http://www.saintthomaschurch.org/ We were lucky to have them come to Tulsa.

See more Ruby Tuesday


  1. We had a series of tv programmes on the choristers of St Paul's Cathedral and they too took their music very seriously but were v. ordinary children when out of "uniform". Over here it's a great honour to be chosen to attend this sort of school as not only do they receive an appreciation of music but, also, a first class private education.

  2. This must have been an impressive buffet of sight and sound. I imagine it would be quite inspiring.

  3. Talented boys!

  4. Very nice Ruby Tuesday image. I love the contrast between the formality of the performance and the boys being boys in the second image. Have a blessed Tuesday.

  5. i would imagine, they sound wonderful; i am myself in rehersals for our church choir Easter concert of sacred music to be held the weekend of 25-27 April; have a nice Tuesday

    much love...


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