Monday, November 18, 2013

Macro Monday - Little Wren

This may not strictly be a macro but it is a closeup.  Any excuse to post a picture of my granddaughter Wren is sufficient.  She is the daughter of my youngest son Luke and she is a sweetheart.

more Macro Monday


  1. Not so little any more. She's growing into a gorgeous little girl - no wonder you're so proud of her.
    P.S. nicest "macro" yet:-)

  2. Hi Bill
    I could not resist stopping by to say hello! Dearest Wren looks like she'll go far in life!
    Wren x

  3. Grandparents don't need an excuse. We have a right to post photos of our grand kids. They are precious and one of the greatest sources of joy in our lives. Great image of a lovely child.

  4. Darling granddaughter! I only have one, but 5 grandsons.

  5. Aw. She's adorable!


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