Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday Challenge - Abundance

An abundance of valuables is stored in the vault of the Bank of Oklahoma at 320 S. Boston in downtown Tulsa.

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Apologies, I removed my comment as I made an error and thought it was in black and white!!! I have only just arisen from my little trundle cot LOL.
    Going back to my thoughts about the picture, I think it looks rather ominous or perhaps it reminds me of bank heists in old films?

  3. Lots of old banks have taken on new lives as restaurants around these parts. This is a hold out, I guess.
    Hold my pennies!

  4. That vault is where? 320 s boston....hmmm...OH! You mean the NBT BUILDING! ;)

  5. Impressive Vault. Whats inside would be even more interesting?


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