Monday, July 22, 2013

Macro Monday - White Viburnum

This white viburnum is planted just outside the deck that runs along the north side of my house.  It sits next to a lilac bush but they don't seem to bloom at the same time.  Both are beautiful.

more Macro Monday


  1. Gorgeous viburnum bush. I cannot remember, does it have any perfume?

  2. Gorgeous shot...I used to live in Broken Arrow. My youngest daughter lives in Tulsa.

  3. I like simple blossoms like this, they seem so regal and dainty.

  4. The macro is just lovely. I don't think you have a green thumb, I think your whole arm is green.

  5. I really like the viburnum Bill, it grows so well out there in Oz also..I love that you wrote 'spiffy' haha! haven't heard for ages :)

  6. Lovely macro, the petals look like silk flowers. I wanted to grow one but bought a plant that turned out to be bloomless and fruitless. Drat you, HD!

  7. Beautiful! My viburnum is a hybrid and smells wonderful. I wonder, does yours have a perfume?


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