Saturday, May 4, 2013

Black and White Reflections - Old Route 66

The original route 66 passes through Tulsa on its way from Chicago to Los Angeles. It crosses the Arkansas river on the old 11th street bridge. Sue and I retraced old 66 from north of Catoosa to Santa Fe, New Mexico back in October 2009. Read about it HERE.

More Weekend Reflections 
More Black and White Weekend


  1. Really interesting bridge. Like it.

  2. Nice shot. Part of older Tulsa.

  3. Looks a great old bridge with lots of history no doubt. I wonder how many people have crossed it on their travels along Route 66.

  4. A fine bridge, with great style! Nicely composed photo.

  5. Bridges are made to be photographed in black and white.

  6. I LOVE this old bridge. It's been a long long time since I traveled across it.

  7. Nice bridge, great B&W post!

  8. I like your photo of the old bridge. I've driven on parts of old Route 66, but some of that original road is gone.


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