Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ruby Tuesday - 2013 VW Golf

This young man was checking out a 2013 Volkswagen Golf at the recent Tulsa Auto Show.  He wanted to sit behind the wheel but his big brother beat him to it.  This seems to be a male prerogative as I saw very few girls making such inspections.  Maybe it has something to do with the male hunter-gatherer instinct.  Maybe girls are just smarter.

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. I love the wheels on that car.

    And who wants to check out the passenger side?

    You and I sure take lots of photos of red cars.

  2. You must have an enormous collection of red pictures. Are girls more wary of intruding?

  3. Of course we're smarter. I would have thought at your age you'd simply accept that as fact. I hate it when you and Yogi go to a motor show - the quality of your blogs DROP. That's just from a woman's point of view of course and I'm fully aware I could well be a voice crying in the wilderness but roll on the time when you've run out of photographs of cars (until the next blasted Motor Show) LOL.

  4. People would know it was you coming down the road in that car!
    Love the VWs. We have a Jetta - dark blue, not red!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. There is just something about boys and vehicles. Great shot.

  6. Big rims and thin sidewalls make almost any car sportier. Nicely captured.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


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