Saturday, April 27, 2013

Black & White Reflections - Riverwalk in the Rain

For the past two years Tulsa has suffered serious drought conditions.  We passed through spring like it was a weekend event then on to hot and dry all summer.  This year we have a rainfall that puts us just above the historical average and are forecast unseasonable cold rainy weather well into the month of May..  We like having the rain but are hoping  not to freeze the peach crop.  The weather here is seldom boring.

More Weekend Reflections 
More Black and White Weekend


  1. Oh come on Bill, I thought only the Brits were allowed to moan on about their weather! Seriously, we could do with some sunshine over here. We had it for one day this week (although it was chilly) and I've just opened the blinds to find it overcast yet again. I much prefer looking at pictures with a sunny aspect, rather than rain-soaked - I see too much of rain-soaked in England.

  2. So glad you are getting some drought relief this year! Very nice rainy day picture.

  3. The curve in the railing is so gentle and nice. Glad the rains are finally coming, but I hope they do not come this such force and duration that the crops suffer. We are getting bit and pieces here which has been nice....BUT the grass is growing too darn fast, We cannot keep up with it. genie

  4. That's the difference between Weather and Climate!

    I like that photo. Beautifully composed.

  5. Come to Brazil. I have a beautiful empty house waiting for you. Here the weather is good myth, which torments us are corrupt politicians and ignorant people, robberies all the time, kidnappings, drug dealers, and dishonest businessmen. In short there is, despite the weather and pumps, here is worse than here in the north. Beautiful black & white photo. hug

    PS: I hope that the translation will understand. Answer me.

  6. There is something about a rainy scene in black and white that is soothing. It reminds me of old movies, of the foggy scenes and the feeling it evoked. Love it!

  7. Beautiful image! I love the curve in the foreground and the misty background.


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