Friday, March 8, 2013

Skywatch Friday - The Blacksmith Shop

When I was a boy growing up in Wagoner this was the blacksmith shop.  The shop was open in the front about where the big for sale sign is now.  I don't remember his name but the smith was a big man usually wearing bib overalls with no shirt underneath.  In my mind's eye I see him standing at his coal fired furnace pulling something glowing white hot then pounding it at a waist high anvil.  Every time the hammer came down the sparks flew.  That would have been about 1950.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. Enjoyed visiting so much and seeing that old black smith building. Brought back memories of my younger days.

  2. I love the patina of the old building. There used to be lots of different type businesses around.

  3. Wonderful, beautiful blue skies!
    I guess I missed the blacksmith era, but I do remember the farrier who put shoes on our pony when I was a kid.
    Have a great day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  4. Love the way an old building, or whatever, evokes memories of childhood.

  5. You bring back memories for me Bill. My Dad was a blacksmith.


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