Sunday, March 3, 2013

Black & White Weekend - Cypress Knees

In the center is a cypress tree surrounded by its "knees".  The cypress likes to grow near or slightly in shallow water.  But the roots need to breath and if the water rises for too long the tree will drown.  So the cypress sends up "knees" from its root system like a diver uses a snorkel   When I took shop in high school we made nice table lamps from cypress knees.

More Black and White Weekend


  1. Nice composition. I can see the 'knees' would make fine table lamps. I like the contrast of the fencepost with the natural growth.

  2. Belated birthday wishes for the
    1st - hope you enjoyed your lobster meal. Interesting picture and I hadn't a clue that cypress trees had "knees". Never too old to learn:-)

  3. When I worked on the Texas Gulf Coast the guys in the plant said that chopping cypress knees was a good hangover cure. I never tried it. Not that I needed to, very often.

  4. Strong composition, nice BW

  5. Lovely picture in B&W!


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