Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Doors - Hearst Castle

The Main Entrance of the mansion of newspaper tycoon William Randolf Hearst near San Simeon, California. For information about tours see HERE. An excellent article on Wikipedia is HERE.

See more Wordless Wednesday


  1. Not your usual front door is it? There again, Hearst Castle isn't your usual home. It's very much a case of "if you've got it flaunt it".

  2. Beautiful capture!

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

  3. very interesting entrance - nice image

  4. I love the Hearst Castle. It has been almost 30 years since I've been.

  5. The Hearst Castle is a unique building with a fascinating history. There were a long series of legendary parties there filled with Hollywood stars acting badly. Hearst may have single handedly started the Spanish-American war. He was not a nice man.

  6. That is one crazy entrance! Thanks for sharing the Hearst Mansion with us on WW Bloggers. See you next Wednesday!


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