Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Challenge: Light - Raising Hope

The first baby to be baptized at our church was named Hope.  When our priest raised her up to introduce her to the congregation she was back lit by the sanctuary window.  I made an enlargement of this picture and our priest put it near the entrance to the sanctuary with the caption, "Raising Up Hope."  It seemed very suitable for a young and growing congregation.

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. And she looks like she will bring her family much hope! Delightful.

  2. Totally lovely and beautifully "framed".

  3. Excellent image and we could all use a little Hope in our lives this season. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Great image, cute baby, and a perceptive priest. Wonderful Post.

  5. That is a photo to be treasured! Very beautiful!


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