Monday, December 31, 2012

Retreat to Lake Greenleaf

Sue and I rented a cabin on Lake Greenleaf near Muskogee and relaxed between Christmas and New Year.  We built a fire in the fireplace, took walks and naps and enjoyed ourselves.  It snowed a little, just enough to make us appreciate the fireplace.


  1. Greenleaf is a wonderful park. I'm glad you had a good time.

  2. I could certainly spend a week here doing exactly what you have described. I need to look into this.

  3. Oh I'm so glad you've been away on a holiday break. When you didn't post anything since Christmas Dinner I worried you were unwell.
    As it's 31 December, may I take this opportunity of wishing you and Susan a very happy and healthy New Year.

  4. Looks like a fun place to get snowed in! Wishing you a Happy New Year Bill.


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