Friday, December 21, 2012

B&W Reflections - Towers Across the River

Metroplex Towers from the west bank of the Arkansas River, Formerly the City of Faith.

More Weekend Reflections 
More Black and White Weekend


  1. I like your new picture on your "about me" widget ! You looks so much like Santa on this picture, amazing !!! And your reflection for the week is so nice... I like the quiet atmosphere you caught here.

  2. "Quiet" was the adjective I was going to use too! Great minds think alike Tsuki.

  3. superbe paysage urbain tres bien mit en scene sur valeur par le noir et blanc ;o)

  4. Great to see your reflection post!
    Merry X-mas to you!

  5. Nice shot Bill,

    You and your family have a Merry Christmas!


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