Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Reflections - Lights at Philbrook

Sue and I visited Philbrook Art Center Saturday evening.  On the inside were a collection of Christmas trees constructed by organizations and individuals around Tulsa.  Ribbons were awarded to those with special merit.

Outside the museum and grounds were decked out with lights.  The view across the reflecting pond was spectacular.  Of course I took far too many photos to share at once.  They will appear from time to time during the Christmas season.  Let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas.

More Weekend Reflections 


  1. Excellent images. I'm ready to get into the holiday spirit.

  2. Merry Christmas to you too! I am listening to Christmas music as I comment today. I can never get enough!

  3. Rather unique trees, especially that last one. Beautiful reflection shot.
    Merry Christmas! . . . ummmm, but what happened to Thanksgiving? :D
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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