Friday, November 23, 2012

Skywatch Friday - Haskell City Hall

Haskell is a little town southeast of Tulsa.  Driving there on a Sunday afternoon makes a pleasant loop that runs through Wagoner where my three sons live.  We seldom fail to stop for a visit with our almost two year old granddaughter baby Wren.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. What a great, colorful City Hall! I love it -- as well as your blue, blue skies! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Great pictures... and I sure would stop too...anything for a grandbaby!! doesn't get any better.

  3. Looks like a cute little town!

  4. What a tiny city hall - most unlike our Town Halls that have a tendency to the Victorian architecture and are "solemn" places. Not unlike the Victorians who built them.

  5. Looks like nice and peaceful town..
    Also nice blue sky..


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