Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ruby Tuesday - Knockout Shrub rose

It is hard to beat a knockout rose for constant healthy bloom.

See more Ruby Tuesdays 


  1. This year, mine don't look anywhere near this attractive. Time to trim them back and get ready for fall.

  2. Lovely! Visiting from Ruby Tuesday.

    My Ruby post.
    Have a great week ahead!

  3. You, or Susan, obviously have green fingers - fabulous rose bush.

  4. Gorgeous blooms! I had to move mine this year, so it was not as prolific...hoping it gets back to normal next year.

  5. those are beautiful rose bush indeed! i see that you are a retired comp prog. my husband is one but hasn't retired yet and a thought that you probably is happy that your retired from your work. i heard it's a stressful job. :D hope you could visit my Ruby Tuesday here: http://www.lovehomegrowgarden.info/2012/09/04/garden-flowers-torch-ginger-lily/


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