Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thursday Challenge: Growth - Birdhouse Gourds

If you have been following this blog for a long time you may remember my great gourd adventure of 2004.  I decided to plant a few birdhouse gourds on the back fence.  I had planted pole beans back there and thought a few ornamental gourds might be fun.  Before long the gourd vines had covered the entire fence, climbed up a utility pole in the corner, and grew down the lines into the next yard.  Don't plant birdhouse gourds unless you are serious about having lots of gourds.  Yes I know I could have cut them back but where's the fun in that?

See more Thursday Challenge


  1. I'm fascinated by this story and the growth of the gourd. What happens if, and when, it starts growing across the power lines. Couldn't the weight of the plant bring down the lines?
    Personally, I'd rather see a gourd-covered post than a bare one.

  2. Lovely picture. I have never seen this plant before, have to look it up if we have such plants here, don't think so. ;)

  3. Looks like it's time to thin the herd. This stuff is as bad as kudzu or trumpet vine about spreading


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