Friday, June 1, 2012

CDPB for June 2012 - Tranquility

Some of you have met my American Bulldog Smokey before.  Smokey brings tranquility to a new level.  He is perfectly content to let Willy use him for a pillow while Will plays Nintendo.  Smokey honestly loves everybody especially children.  Smokey doesn't act tranquil, Smokey IS tranquil.

A City Daily Photo Blog (CDPB) is a blog that publishes a photo each day taken in and around a particular city. Currently there are 2,432 such blogs world wide. Tulsa Gentleman is a City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa, Oklahoma. The first day of each month there is a theme for all City Daily Photo Blogs. This month's theme is TRANQUILITY..

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. En l'occrrence c'est la tranquillité du duo Willy-Smokey !

  2. Great photo for the Theme Day! The dog is very patient.


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