Sunday, March 18, 2012

SOOC Sunday - Gavin is Five!

Mike and Amber's boy Gavin had a big 5th birthday celebration Saturday at Whiteside Park.  Lots of Grandparents and cousins were there to help with the toys and to scarf down cake.  The big hit was a Rock Star outfit - toy guitar and microphone on a stand.  Gavin knew what to do with it.  He gave us a rousing performance of a song of his own invention, intelligible only to Gavin.  Then all the cousins took their turn.  A good time was had by all.

Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) is a meme for photos that have not been tweaked or altered. In other words, straight out of the camera. 

More Straight Out Of the Camera 


  1. Nothing like a kids birthday party. Congratulations to Gavin and his parents.

  2. I'm thinking who ever gave Gavin that gift was not his parents:-)

    I think that's a gift for a five year old I could admire from a distance:-) It could be worse, Gavin could have been given a drum kit!!!!! Glad you all had a lovely birthday party.


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