Friday, March 23, 2012

Skywatch Friday - Spring Rain

Tulsa has had over 6 inches of rain in the last week.  It has been one of those slow steady soakers that are very welcome after an unseasonably dry year.

More SkyWatch Friday  


  1. Soft and lovely!

  2. It won't be long before the branches will be covered with leaves and spring will be in full bloom. Redbuds have burst into bloom here and dogwoods are not far behind. Have a blessed week-end.

  3. Nice shot Bill. It has that wet saturated look (in a good way!) that some of our fellow bloggers from Holland show.

  4. Nice composition.

    Regards and best wishes

  5. Beautiful photo as all. Here we are in the fall.

  6. Oh how lovely Bill, I can't wait until we get some rain here in Perth, it's been soooo long. They say we might get some tomorrow, but I won't believe it until I SEE it!!

  7. Such a nice mood in this photo! Have a great weekend!


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