Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Unlike most museums Crystal Bridges is a series of linked buildings holding different exhibits. It was built by Alice Walton and the Walton Family Foundation -- a separate entity from Walmart. Walmart did give an endowment, however, to sponsor admission to the permanent collection meaning there is no admission to view the permanent collection ever.

See More Wordless Wednesday


  1. Nice, I read about Ms. Walton's art hunting in the New Yorker. Nice to see about the 1% helping the 99% out a little. What a gift to the community.

  2. A great gift, a fascinating array of buildings. I'd love to visit.

  3. that 'bridge' is a very interesting building.

  4. That seems to be a wonderful museum, the building as well as the art you showed in an earlier blog about it.


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