Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weekend Reflections - Rain at Last

After such a dry summer we are still behind on rain.  January has seen very mild temperatures but very little rain.  Not to complain, this time last winter we had 20 inches of snow.

More Weekend Reflections


  1. Feast or famine in many places these days! I hope you get just what you need after that brutal summer. Nice photo...

  2. Hope you don't follow the UK, we are forecast for heavy downfalls of snow this weekend - so different to last year when the snow started in November.

  3. We could use some more rain, but I am not missing the snow and ice from last year.

  4. I know just how you feel Bill, we had rain a few days ago, first for ages, it was sooooo nice! Hoping for more to come, but I think the sun is shining too brightly for that! Lovely image through the rain soaked car window.

  5. Thank God for rain after the drought and heat!

  6. Very good photo.

    Regards and best wishes


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