Friday, February 24, 2012

Skywatch Friday - Under the Clouds

Sue and I drove over to Arkansas today to see the new Crystal Bridges Museum at Bentonville, and enjoyed a beautiful spring like day.  As we approached Tulsa a long low shelf of clouds came in from the west.  Just as we came into town the sun dropped down behind the horizon and lit up the clouds from underneath, resulting in this spectacular sunset.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. How lucky to be there at just the right moment - stunning picture.
    I don't think I could try and paint it as no one would believe the colours.

  2. This is one of my favorite types of sunsets. Glad you enjoyed Crystal Bridges. Looking forward to your photos and post of your visit.

  3. What a vibrant and beautiful capture.

  4. This is special with this fabulous afterglow. You're a great photographer.

  5. Fantastic sunset!
    Lea's Menagerie


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