Friday, February 10, 2012

Skywatch Friday - Mackerel Sky

A view of the winter sky from inside the Rockwood Village Mobile Home Park.  Mobile home, house trailer, by whatever name, it is a place to live, and to whoever lives there, it is home.  I think places like this get a bum rap. A lot of the people who live here are more or less permanent residents. They have built screened in porches, attached carports, and fenced in the yard so the kids can have a dog.  There's no place like home.

More SkyWatch Friday


  1. It looks a fine place to live - but is it ok in winter?

  2. What a gorgeous sky from, what looks like, a delightful mobile home site. Unfortunately, over here we have caravan parks for holidays or gypsy encampments. One is loved and the other, for the most part, hated. Caravan parks are mainly for holiday use but the gypsy encampments are places where travellers set up "home" on any spare piece of land they can find and entrench themselves. It seems an insolvable problem with the powers that be agreeing the travellers should have somewhere to live but, by the same token, stating "not in my neck of the woods".

  3. Nice shot Bill.

    I've had several friends who lived in trailer parks. Its what it is, affordable housing. Not everybody can afford a regular stick built house.

  4. Caravans are mostly used for camping and holidays around here - not many live in them permanently. I don't now if it would be any cheaper either. But it looks cosy here!

  5. Very nice photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  6. Great looking sky.

    My only concern with mobile homes comes from Oklahoma weather. During tornado season, I can always remember the weatherman saying, "If you live in a mobile home, SEEK OTHER SHELTER!!!"


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